
Always Changing....

Change is inevitable.

Some change we can control such as what we do with our time and who we spend it with. Other changes come that we have no control over. Sometimes those are good and we're thrilled to be experiencing something different. Other times, however, we have no control over our circumstances and the change comes whether we want it or not.

My life these days has had both positive and negative things that have changed in the last several months. I still do childcare for a living but the children I care for are different and are challenging for me to work with as we are only beginning to get to know each other.

I'm being pushed in a variety of ways to deal with issues within my life that frankly, I don't want to deal with. By nature, I'm a stuffer. I stuff my feelings inside until little by little they start to leak out and then eventually explodes on me. I do my best to be the person I want others to see, but if they had a good long hard look inside of me, they'd want nothing to do with me.

Change happens....it's good, bad, painful, joyful and many other things.

What's going to happen next?