

I've been learning alot lately...about myself.

The last 4 years have been some of the most difficult years in my life. When I was in the midst of turmoil and tears, I did not see any way out. I was consumed with hurt, bitterness, and wanted nothing more than to hide from what life was offering me (or at least what I thought life was offering me).

I can see now that I am on the other side of my grief, bitterness, and hurt. Things still aren't easy, nor will they ever be as life requires work when it comes to relationships.

I can see clearly now that maybe God put me through all of this so that I can be a support to others going through similar circumstances. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when life has you looking every way but out.

I'm more content now with life and I'm ready to move on to new and wonderful things. Maybe it will include a new job for Lyndon, or even a move to somewhere new. At this point we don't know what's coming.

I'm still growing and changing and I'm okay with that.



I feel like I have all of these thoughts and feelings swirling around inside of my head. I want to share them with the world, but I have yet to pin them down into comprehensible expressions with which to use.

There are thoughts on God, my life, and how the 2 interact with each other.

There are thoughts on parenting, childhood innocence and what's happening in the world I am a part of.

I'm not sure which direction to go yet.

I'll let you know once I've developed something worth sharing and expressing.