
Another day...

It's yet another day here in the cold canadian prairies. The sun is trying to shine, the coolness is still in the air, and the wait for winter's release is still on the forefront of most peoples minds.

Waiting for change to happen is difficult at times. Spring cannot come soon enough. Springtime means the snow goes away, the sun shines even more, the birds come back, and it just feels good to be outside without the cumbersome winter clothing weighing you down.

Waiting for other things is also challenging. Waiting to see what the future will bring in terms of life experience, jobs, parenting, and marriage. We never know what will happen. Sometimes we are so ready for change to happen that we'll do anything to make it happen.

I'm ready for that change. I just don't know where it will happen and in which direction it will go. I want more. I'm tired of the way things are at this point. I'm tired of settling for just what is. This life has got to be better than what I see in front of me. Going on from day to day just barely surviving and struggling to make it to even the next is just no way to live.

I want to live again.

The change must come, it must!

1 comment:

Pants since 1986 said...

I know how you feel. Sometimes it is really hard to be satisfied with the present when you know there is a future out there that holds unknowable possibilities, and it gets harder when the present isn't as interesting as we'd hoped/wanted. I guess all we can do is trust that God has us where He wants us, and remain watchful for opportunities for the future.
Not that it's easy...