I'm learning that there is truth to the old adage "what goes around comes around."As a parent of a 3 year old girl, I have been learning many, many things. One thing though, is that it doesn't take long for a child to display typical male/female attitudes. Here is why. I was busy on the computer and Kianna kept wanting to touch some buttons. I had said no a couple of times and finally I cupped her face in my hands, made her look me in the eyes, and told her to repeat after me "I will not touch the buttons anymore." Well, in true female form, she turned around, crossed her arms, and stuck out that bottom lip. I tried to get her to turn around and look at me again but she would not budge. So, as a result of a bad decision made on her part, she was sent to her room. She did not like that one bit.
She reminds me a lot of me when I was a kid. I could be, and still am, very stubborn. I wouldn't budge if my life depended on it! Well, God's giving me payback now with a daughter who is every bit as stubborn as I am. So, remember, what goes around really does come around!