It's been a challenging couple of weeks.
Last week I started babysitting a friend's little guy full time. He has just turned one so now I have my nearly 4 year old, my 19 month old, and now another one year old. It's a full and busy house!
It didn't help that me and the the rest of my family have been sick as well as our new addition. So that's been something to get through. Most of us are feeling better. Kianna had to miss preschool on Tuesday because she had been throwing up but she seems to be okay now.
There have also been many new adjustments made around our home with the presence of this third child. I think that time is the biggest factor. It takes longer to eat meals, clean up messes, and getting them all down for nap time after lunch.
Kianna has preschool 2 times a week in the mornings. I tried a different way of transporting all of the kids to school today. Kianna can walk of course, but the other two can't handle that walk. I put Spencer in the stroller and I put Liam in the borrowed wrap that I acquired. I still have to get used to tying the wrap just right and Liam has to adjust to being in it. He wasn't crazy about the idea of being so close to me.
I think I'd have to laugh if I saw myself walking down the street with these 3 kids. One walking and holding onto the stroller, the second one in the stroller, and the third one slung onto my hip.
These walks to school and back are quite the workout!
Anyway, it's a new way of life around our household. We're still getting used to it but I'm sure that once we've all adjusted to this new routine, life will be a little less chaotic.
And less chaos means I'll be able to start thinking a little more clearly instead of just trying to make it from day to day.