
A Bump on the Head

In the last few days I've been noticing more and more how much Spencer will mimic what I say to him. Of course, me being his mom and all, I'm trying to get him to say mommy or mama or something along those lines. This morning I was saying "mama" and he would say something with the proper inflection but not the mmm part of the word. He's growing up so fast and the fact that he is working on his speech already just astounds me.
Spencer is also starting to walk along furniture. He just hangs on for dear life as he tries to step his way along the expanse of the couch. He still falls down and bumps his head. When that happens he cries, I pick him up to comfort him, and set him back down even though he doesn't like that I'm putting him down. He'll put up a bit of a fuss because the memory of falling is still fresh in his mind and then not minutes later, he's back to being the happy little boy that he is.
Now, compare this to how God feels about us as his children. We edge our way along life on unstable legs, and boom, we fall down and get hurt. We cry and God picks us up and comforts us. Then it's his turn to put us back down and say "it's ok, you can do it, try again." We may not like it at first because the memory of being hurt is still fresh in our minds but somehow we get past it and move on.
As a mom I am realizing more and more how God thinks of me as his child. He will always be there to pick me up and wipe away the tears. He will always be there to encourage me along the way. Of course, he will also always be there to discipline me when I deserve it. Lastly, He will always be there to love me no matter what I do.


Pants since 1986 said...

It is weeeird to see someone the same age as me with two kids of their own. Good work, and good luck!

R Sheldon said...

good comments candace, I'm constantly thinking about the verse in revelation that says "He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes" it's amazing to think that he's going to come around with a hankerchief (sp?) and wipe every eye individually like a father should! keep up the great thoughts!
God bless