
The Fire Department Visited Me Today......

I had a visit from 3 wonderful firefighters this morning.

He's the story behind that visit.

I had gone upstairs to change Spencer's diaper and smelled something funny (and no, it wasn't his diaper). At first I thought it could be natural gas but quickly ruled it out because what I was smelling didn't have the lovely aroma of rotten eggs. Then I ruled out carbon monoxide because that has no scent.

So, the next thing I did was call my dad. He wasn't able to come over at the time but he was going to get someone to come to my place and help find the problem.

In the meantime, there were several things going through my mind.

What if it's a gas leak?
What if there's something smoldering in the walls undetected?
What am I going to do with myself and the 3 kids in the meantime?

My heart was pounding so hard you probably could have heard it across the room.

I was really scared.

Then I called a friend to see if she maybe had any other ideas as to what it could be. She suggested to check all the appliances and then it hit me! I ran the dishwasher this morning. So I checked inside the dishwasher.

There it was!

A plastic mixing spoon had fallen off the top rack of the dishwasher and was stuck to the element.

The smell I was smelling.....burning plastic.

I called my dad back to say that I had most likely found the problem. That's when he told me he had called my uncle who's a firefighter. My uncle told him to call the fire department to come and check things out. So that's what my dad did.

I discovered the melted piece of plastic just before the fire truck showed up.

It was nice to have them come in and confirm that the spoon was the only problem.

So that was the excitement at our house today.

I was so relieved.

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