
When all is said and done.....

Tammy and Drew have officially begun the journey called marriage.

Their wedding day was a good one. You couldn't have asked for better January weather for a winter wedding day. The sun was out, it was hovering around the 0 degree mark, and there wasn't much wind.

I don't believe that there was anything that went wrong in terms of the wedding day.

But....and there's always a BUT....

I got strep throat this week and only realized it on Friday just hours before the wedding rehearsal. My throat was sooooo sore. It hurt to drink water! I cringed every time I had to swallow and I had lost my voice. It wouldn't have been much of a problem execpt that I was supposed to read some passages at the ceremony the next day. I wasn't sure until just before the ceremony began if I would do it or not. I'm sure there were people praying that I'd feel better for this. I went from not even being able to drink water at the rehearsal dinner the night before and wanting to head into emergency for painkillers (which I didn't do) to having enough voice and almost no throat pain overnight. I was sooo glad I was able to do my part in Tammy's wedding. Both of us were really disappointed with the idea of me not being able to do that.

Then, to top everything off, as all of the girls...bridesmaids, Tammy, myself and Kianna, were getting dressed and prepared for the ceremony, Kianna's eye was bothering her and had some goop in it. I realized it was pink-eye! What rotten timing. An hour before the ceremony she has to get this. So, I called a friend who had eye-drops, sent Lyndon over there and had him bring the drops to us, and Kianna's been getting the drops ever since.

My poor girl had to deal with her hurting eye, being over-tired, and being in the wedding party all at the same time. It was rough but she did okay despite everything. The wedding pictures will show her with her one droopy eye though. Oh well, there's nothing you can do.

But, when all is said and done, Tammy and Drew are husband and wife now. That's what matters.


Toni Ertl said...

Sounds like a good day. Well done pressing on through all the hassles.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I wish I could have photographed it! The weather was so beautiful yesterday, I was envious of anybody getting married!

Angie said...

When I got married in January it was cold and windy and it had rained the week before so it was incredibly icy! Glad Tammy had a good day, and glad to hear you are feeling better Candace!

Angie said...

James has pink eye right now too! Must be going around in the kid circles right now.